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Immersion Experience Notes and Reflection

Learning to Rock Climb
For my immersion experience I took an introductory rock climbing course at a local rock climbing gym called Epic. After the class I went back one more time to climb at the gym without an instructor.
Notes and Photos

September 22nd 2019

Took the introduction to climbing course at Epic Rock Climbing Gym. Myself and five other people learned how to "Tie In" and set up Belaying equipment and other important safety information for rock climbing.

I used an auto belay mechanism my second time climbing up that day. I almost did not let go of the wall because I didn't really trust the system that works of the principle of seat belts do in cars.


October 6th 2019

Went back to climb some more. Two friends came with me, Trevor and Caroline so I had a belay partner and someone to take pictures. Had to be rechecked to ensure we all still remembered all the safety training from the course before we could use the equipment. Safety First!

Was able to take a few more pictures this day of all three of us climbing.


First Climb of the Day!

Trevor was the only one of our group to make it all the way up this monstrosity.


Managed to get the picture as I was falling.

All three of us made it to the top of this one!


My Observations after the Experience

  • I expected my greatest challenge in climbing the walls would be my lack of upper body strength, in reality my biggest issue was puzzling out my next move. It al seems very clear on the ground, but when you are up on the wall it is harder to see where you are going.

  • I felt very welcome in this new environment, everyone seemed to be doing the same as me, testing their abilities and limits, getting better, failing just meant you had to figure out a new route or different way of approaching the wall.

  • The 3 aspects I would like to cover in my essay are:

    • The puzzle aspect of climbing. Finding the right holds and how to approach the problem of going up the wall.

    • Falling, falling unexpectedly and falling after you've made it to the top. Trust in the person that will catch you.

    • The positive aspects of the physical activity being incorporated into a fun experience.

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